Hello, I’m Ellen. I am so glad you’re here!


My Story…

I’m a lifelong entrepreneur who has worked as a death penalty attorney, a baker, a documentary filmmaker, an award-winning landscape designer, a nonprofit director and fundraiser who raised millions to bring an educational project and eco-sanctuary to my community.


I believe that having multiple passions is a wonderful thing, as long as you know how to do the tough and gritty work that’s necessary to turn your big ideas into reality.



I’m a Career and Business Strategist for people who want to find energizing, meaningful work and make a difference in our world. People like you.  I help my clients land great jobs, launch cool businesses and do amazing things — not just dream about them. I offer several services to help you make your big ideas + career ambitions a reality ranging from one-hour consultations to one-day intensives, to weekly meetings that last over the course of 1-3 months.

You can reach out to me anytime by sending me a note here.

Wherever you are? Do great work today.


Here are a few more facts & stories about me

Puttering around in my garden is my idea of heaven. Give me a rake, a few seeds and a nice patch of dirt, and I’ll be happily occupied for hours.

I love working from bed, on my laptop, while the rain pours down outside.

I have two beautiful sons, both doing amazing work in the world. (I’m a very proud mama.)

I love thoughtful gifts — both giving and receiving. If you really want to knock my socks off, send me a bunch of movie recommendations (I’m a total film addict. Oscars night is my Christmas morning).

I once convinced the hottest band in the country to come and play at my senior prom. How? I picked up the phone and called. And I wouldn’t take “No” for an answer.

Another time, I persuaded the most sought-after chef in the country to come and speak at my fundraising event. How? I picked up the phone and called. And then emailed. And then emailed again. And then sent a handwritten card. And a gift. And (once again!) I wouldn’t take “No” for an answer. (Unlocking impossible doors is one of my superpowers.)

I have run four successful businesses. My first business? A bakery. I’d never baked more than a batch of cookies before, but I simply felt called to do it. (People are still talking about my apple pie that won 3 blue ribbons at the County Fair.)

I was an “unofficial” career mentor for hundreds of people before I decided to make it “official.” I never, ever get tired of helping people create amazing careers.

If you’re hunting for a meaningful job — or aching to start your own business — check out how we can work together. I can’t wait to support you!